Therefore, a honey that has crystallized and/or appears to contain “specks” is more likely to be raw.Treated honey is also filtered to remove elements (such as pollen) that customers may think of as impurities.Treated honey is generally heated before packaging for aesthetic reasons, in order to attract customers who may be put off by crystallized honey’s lack of consistency.Bees work with nectar for about a week: the water is evaporated, enrich the enzymes, complex sugars become simple. For freedom of choice I’ve added two versions, one of them covers up the cleavage a bit and adds a See all the posts & mods. Highly modified to appear closet to the appearance of character Taihou. Raw honey may appear by chance to be smooth liquid with little or no “impurities.” Honey a very useful product, if honey is of high quality. Since I’ve said most of it in the preview I can keep it brief This is the first top entry from the last poll. Any form of honey may crystallize or liquify over time, depending on its exposure to heat. This is less of a rule and more of a guideline.In contrast, expect raw honey to crystallize more readily than treated honey, resulting in a less smooth liquid. Expect honey that has been processed, filtered, and heated to appear “clean,” with little or no crystals or other visible particles suspended in the liquid. Sweet corn seed store, Merit Seed in Berlin, Ohio. Since you can’t always trust labeling, develop an eye to identify raw honey from treated honey. Honey Select Yellow Sweet Corn seeds at your garden seed store.